Conservation Reserve Program General Sign Up

March 2, 2023 by Chad Harvey
The United States Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency announced a new general signup period for CRP! The program has long been the nation’s most important tool for targeting environmentally sensitive lands with conservation practices that produce wildlife habitat, cleaner waters, healthier soils and a more resilient climate.
There are currently 23 million acres enrolled with 1.9 million acres set to expire in 2023. FSA has a goal to meet the 27 million acre cap for fiscal year 2023 leaving nearly 6 million acres to be added to the program nationally.
Highlights for CRP in 2023
- Eased rules for re-enrollment pertaining to renovations
- Increased incentives including State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Initiative and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
- Options to tailor the program to work best for the producer and/or landowner
- Partner programs for increased incentives
- CRP Grasslands signups to be announced as well
For more information on programs in your area contact your local Pheasants Forever/NRCS Biologist or visit your local USDA Service Center.
You can also visit these websites:
- Montana FSA CRP page: Conservation Reserve Program (
- USDA’s
- Pheasants Forever National page and Montana page and Montana Pheasants Forever | A Local Montana PF Chapter
Crystallaina White
Farm Bill Biologist Pheasants Forever
Billings NRCS Field Office
(406) 371-2540
Maverick Cady
Farm Bill Biologist Pheasants Forever
Chester NRCS Field Office
(406) 759-5788 ex. 115
Posted In: News